Thursday, November 19, 2015

Christmas is Coming!

Christmas will be here before we know it!  
Have a little girl on your list?
These Christmas Minnie and Daisy Shoes are up in 
my shop and would be adorable for Baby's First Christmas!
They're size 0-6 months!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Custom Order!

I finished up a custom order and sent it out today!

I also listed some new burp cloths in my shop!

I hope you'll check them out!

Excuse my poor photography... 
lighting on this dreary fall day leaves much to be desired!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Milk Mate Bag from Panda Frank

One of the things I would love to do on this blog is review products from other work-at-home ladies!  I know what a challenge it can be to balance your time between home and work... especially when you're working from home!  If you have a product that you sell on Etsy (or another site) and would like me to review or do a giveaway, please email me!

Now... on to my review of the MILK MATE BAG from Panda Frank!

Please excuse my poor photography.  
The only safe place to photograph away from my children was the kitchen table!

Once upon a time, Kristy of Panda Frank and I went to the same schools.  Elementary through high school, until in 11th grade I was lucky enough to home school.  Though we didn't have many, if any, classes together in school... we did have a couple of mutual friends.  Fast forward to several years ago when Facebook really seemed to explode.  I say several, but really... it was probably ten years ago!  Wow.  Anyway, you know how everyone from high school finds each other on there.  Some people you just really don't want to add (can I say that?).  Other people you are pleasantly surprised to see and find that you have things in common!  Kristy and I became Facebook friends and I've gotten to watch her little one grow.  It's amazing how much social media connects people.  Back in the good old days of ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger, I never would've dreamed it would be like it is today!  (Am I showing my age?  Haha!)  Within the last year, I noticed Kristy posting that she started selling "Milk Mate Bags" in her Etsy Shop!  I was definitely intrigued!  Having just had my 3rd baby, I had been pumping and tossing all of my milk into the ice cube bucket (sans ice) in the freezer.  I had read a review that someone else had done for her and shared the link several times on my Shoepiddy Doo Facebook page.  Much to my surprise, Kristy contacted me and offered to send me one of my own to use!  I was so excited!  

Here are a few blurbs from the description in her Etsy Shop:  

"The Milk Mate bag is made to help you solve breast milk storage issues. The bag is made to hold and help you organize breast milk storage bags you put in the freezer. The bag has an opening at the top so you can place the freezer bags down inside and it also has an opening at the bottom so you can pull the oldest bag out when it's needed!
When I was breastfeeding I had a hard time keeping my freezer bags organized and I was always searching around for the oldest dated bag to use first. With the Milk Mate, you place the freezer bags in the Milk Mate as you fill them and that way the oldest bag is always at the bottom and ready to be pulled out for use.
The bags can be easily wiped down with a damp cloth if a milk bag leaks. There are handles at the top to help you in moving the bag around. The Milk Mate is not insulated, so it is not recommended to transport frozen milk in it or to keep the Milk Mate out of the freezer when full of frozen milk for any extended period of time."

I have to admit, I was a little frustrated at first. 
When I would freeze my milk, I would stand it upright instead of 
laying it down flat.  Of course, that was no one's fault but my own!  
And easily remedied!  

I started saving up my milk, laying it flat in the freezer and soon 
I was able to start using the Milk Mate Bag!

Notice the hole in the bottom on one side.

It is so easy to reach in and drop my newest milk on top.  
When I am ready to use some, I just pull it out of the bottom!


Here is a quick video I made of pulling milk out of the bag!
I pulled it out with one hand while holding the camera at the same time, that's pretty convenient!

If you read Kristy's description above, you'd know that the bag is not insulated.  
It would be nice if it was, for the convenience of perhaps a mom who would 
take their kid to daycare or a babysitter, etc. But for me, it wasn't a problem.  
However, a little more structure to the bag would be nice so that there isn't 
as much wiggle room for the bags of milk to slip around.

I have not had a milk spill, but the fabric is definitely 
easy to wipe clean, if needed!
Inside or out!

So... to re-cap...

Easy to clean 
Convenience of storing milk with the earliest date available at the bottom to pull out
Handles to grab it out of the freezer, if needed

Insulated might be convenient for moms who transport milk to daycare, etc.
A little more structure just to keep milk from sliding and potentially getting mixed up.

Over all, I am happy with the Milk Mate Bag!
It has been a much better solution to my Breast Milk Storage than
just tossing the frozen bags into the ice cube storage container.  No more searching
for the earliest dated bag!

You should check out Kristy's Shop, Panda Frank!
These bags would make great baby shower gifts or even just a practical
purchase to make for yourself!

In honor of my first review, I would like to give away a custom pair of Shoepiddy Doos!
See the Rafflecopter below.  Be sure to read the terms and conditions.
 Giveaway ends on 11/20/15 at 12:00AM EST